保险科技公司Lemonade将ONE Insurance公司告上法庭

2018-06-20 11:27
作者:Terry Gangcuangco 栀航译


保险科技公司Lemonade将ONE Insurance、母公司wefox Group及wefox 创始人Julian Teicke告上法庭。以上内容是Lemonade在纽约提起的诉讼摘录,诉讼指控被告不仅侵犯了版权,还违反了合同约定以及《计算机欺诈和滥用法案》。

Lemonade联合创始人兼首席执行官Daniel Schreiber在LinkedIn上发布了一篇文章,透露了诉讼的情况。"诉讼列举了wefox的创始人如何使用别名和伪造地址来创建Lemonade 保单并发起虚假理赔。有记录显示,通过数十次会话控制,被告有条不紊地对Lemonade进行反向设计,然后利用盗版IP创建了和Lemonade完全一样的APP、网站和产品。"

根据投诉,Lemonade分别在2017年和本月早些时候两次向被告发出勒令停止通知函。"本来没有必要在法庭解决这件事。去年8月,我方谨慎地通知其停止行动, 但是被告持续入侵我方服务器,于是我方不得不发出第二封停止函,然后对方又无视了这封信函。"



“Defendants repeatedly accessed the Lemonade app and Lemonade website without authorisation and in violation of the terms of service, copying and extracting the content and arrangement of the app, and incorporating that material into what ultimately would become an application for home and liability insurance offered by ONE.”

These are among the allegations put forward by insurtech Lemonade as it takes ONE Insurance, parent firm wefox Group, and wefox founder Julian Teicke to court. The above is an excerpt from the complaint filed in New York by Lemonade, which accuses the defendants not only of copyright infringement but also breach of contract and violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Lemonade co-founder and chief executive Daniel Schreiber revealed the lawsuit in a post he published on LinkedIn.

“It catalogues how wefox's founders used aliases and bogus addresses to create phony Lemonade policies and initiate fictitious claims,” said Schreiber. “It logs how, over dozens of sessions, they methodically reverse-engineered Lemonade, and then used the bootlegged IP to create apps, websites, and products that are facsimiles of Lemonade.”

According to the complaint, Lemonade sent cease and desist letters to the defendants on two occasions – last year and earlier this month.

“This didn’t have to end in court,” continued Schreiber in his post. “In August we discreetly asked them to stop. Instead, they continued probing our servers, triggering a second letter, which they ignored.”

The insurtech CEO added that proceeds of the lawsuit will go to Code.org.

“We believe in the tech revolution insurance is experiencing, and alongside many others, work hard to ensure regulators, investors, and the public believe in the integrity of these innovations,” he said. “That’s why we hold ourselves to strict legal and ethical standards, and it’s why we call out those who do not.”